Saturday, April 25, 2009

Guava Jam and Jelly

the neighbour gave us some big ripe juicy guavas- thinking of the delicious goiabada (Pronunciation: goya-BAH-da) that I ate in Brazil, I cooked them in a similar style.

I think I probably needed to boil down a bit more to get the thick guava paste - mine are more of a jam consistency, whereas it should be thick enough to slice.

5 ripe guavas - peeled, put into blender with a cup of water then strained to remove seeds
equal amount of sugar to guava liquid (one cup to one cup)
a bit of extra water if needed to stop burning
keep on a low heat for an hour stirring constantly to form the thick paste.

I made the jelly by following the instructions on the pack of plain gelatine, and then adding the guava jam whilst it was still hot. I let it cool on the bench, then popped in the fridge to set.

This guava jam/jelly is eaten with a white cheese in Brazil -I'm thinking philadelphia or a boccicini in Australia would be good- something slightly salty to compliment the sweetness of the guava. Sometimes the cheese and guava paste is deep fried together in a pastry and called 'Romeo and Juliet' because the tastes go together so perfectly- hmmmm

next lot I am going to experiment with guava cheesecake