Friday, October 9, 2009

End of Pond and new herb garden

As the gallery and shop now needs to have a disabled toilet, the herb had to go....
A day or two of transplanting the herbs (oregano, coriander, chives, chilli, one or two lettuce, some mint) and about 7 wheelbarrows of soil, plus two days of smashing the brick and cement wall and removing rubble. The site has the original cement slab laid in 1982. We tried to leave the twin palm, and hopefully the disabled toilet will be able to built around it.

The herb bed that was down near the mound was emptied and the soil re-invigorated - 1 part soil, 1 part horse manure, some lime, blood'n'bone, dynamic lifter and watering saving crystals- soaked in the wheelbarrow and then put into the herb planter box. Herbs from the broken pond plus some seeds of coriander - the idea for summer salads. I hope this will be good for Nana- she has trouble picking herbs in the mound as she easily loses her balance, so this herb planter closer to the house should be perfect for her.

As we traveling, I had to devise a simple watering system at the last minute (though I hear that it has been raining alot, so perhaps was unneccesary) - a few old water bottles (the pop top type) hung upside down. The drips were coming out very slow (about 1 drip for 20 minutes I think)- so I was hope this pulled the seedlings through the first week.

The corn was doing well when I left, and I made a "mini mound" for the squash and rockmelon. The lettuce/english spinach/baby bok choy continues to produce 1-2 shopping bags worth of greens each fortnight. lots of salad for all us.