Its been a month or more since I came up to garden and after a long hot November and no rain, I came home to dead seedlings, withered and dying tomato vines, a herb garden full of black sand (dumped there) and two dead citrus trees. All I could do was cry..... have since spent a week piling up the horse manure as much as possible, spraying the stink bug on the remainig citrus (sorry, but admit I cracked out the insecticide 'confidor' as I have no idea how to deal with this bug organically), removing the heavy rocks from the base of the citrus and giving it a daily water, and generally planting, pruning, fertilising and watering.
On a positive note, there is plenty of corn and capscuim to harvest and the passionfruit has begun to fruit. The planter box was doing well, and I dug out the parsley and corinadar and replanted into the mound. The okra seedlings survived, as did two eggplant seedlings and they all got planted into the mound. We've been harvesting corn, though only half the cob set this year. I must say, that I think the organic corn seed produced bigger and more tasty corn cobs that the commercial ones.
Last night it rained lightly for about 8 hours, so I hope that garden survives the next absense better...