Monday, May 25, 2009

Seedlings galore- any one for beetroot?

On my last visit to the mound, I thought that the seed raising rack wasn't getting enough sun..obviously autumn is upon us. the location that was perfect for summer, sunny but in the shade of the palm so not too hot, just remains very shady and dark all day now.

The lettuce continue to thrive and I moved the seedlings to a tray on top of an old coffee table frame in front of the lettuce, hoping that they would receive more midday sun. I also didn't water the seedlings or seeds in the new seeds trays but instead poured a very dilute mix of dynamic lifter and water into the tray underneath...I thought some of the passion-fruit were looking a bit yellow and 'hungry' - two weeks later the seed trays are bursting with seedlings! suspiciously, many of them are very definitely red in colour, so there will be lots of beetroot around in a few months....start collecting your recipes now

We've decided to plant the beetroot seedlings into the new mound that is mostly horse manure, hopefully the nice loose manure will allow the bulbs to develop without becoming deformed

photos to follow throughout the week