Its been dry and again the garden is only just managing to survive- we managed to collect about a dozen passionfruit (which seems a pitiful number given the lushness of the vine), the remaining citrus tree looks yellow (though has a few baby fruit) and all the capscuim , Basil and rocket were wilted. The butternut pumpkin are/were doing well- I had to pull them out of the grass and move back into the garden, and so shifted the orientation of the leaves, which means now they look wilted and unhappy. The basil and bok choy I seeds I scattered in the planter box look fantastic, and really have the only things that don't look heat stressed. I've decided to fill in the ditches with cardboard, lawn clippings and horse manure...I just don't see that the ditches have captured any water as the black sandy soil just lets it run away too quickly. I think building up the organic matter in the ditches and around the mounds might help with water retention. Its been so dry that the japanese millet seed pods all dried out, as did the okra and we just crumpled them and got a fantastic amount of seed for next planting.